9.1 If the patron is inquiring about replacing a copy
*** To be done by LIBRARY STAFF ONLY***
Make sure the copy is the same ISBN and not used before accepting it from the patron.
Look up the patron’s record on ALMA and PRINT the page containing the item(s) they have on loan. Make sure the Title and Barcode is clearly visible (Acquisitions needs this information)
Find the Item record on ALMA by title or barcode and Click Work Order.
Under Process Type, select Technical Services Work Order in the dropdown. In the Note field, type Replacement Copy and Select Technical Services as the Managing Department. Click SUBMIT.
Go back to the Patron's Record and if the item has not disappeared from the patron’s record, go to the item and select Delete Loan. If the Fine remains, Waive the fine and under reason put OTHER and "Replacement copy provided + insert your initials + date" in the reason or notes field.
Get a Technical Services Work Order slip and fill it out, Place slip in the book with the printout of the patron’s loan items
Place on the shelve in the “Items Needing Attention” area.
ADDING the $15 BILLING Replacement FEE to a Patron account
*** To be done by LIBRARY STAFF ONLY***
Fee Type: Other (Billing Fee)
Fee Amount $15.00
Item Barcode:
Comment: Replacement/Billing fee