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Service Desk Procedures & Guidelines

Service Desk Procedures & Guideline

2.1 ID Card Barcode Not On File


       “X” out Error box that appeared when patron’s barcode was input.               

        Type “e,” and patron’s CIN#, without spacing: do not use names.

  1. IF PATRON FILE APPEARS, check that name matches ID Card; confirm that address listed is current.  If it isn’t, highlight it and input new address in the format described under 2.2, number 5, below. Do the same with the phone #, and any other part of the file that requires change. Make sure name format is correct.
  2. IF NO BARCODE LINE APPEARS, point mouse to “Input” box, then scroll to “Barcode;” place card’s barcode under the laser. 
  3. IF BARCODE LINE APPEARS, highlight old barcode, then place card’s barcode under the laser.  Point to “Close/Save” button at the top of the screen.

2.2 No Customer File Appears


  1. Point to “Create New File” at top of screen; highlight “Long Patron” format.  Left click “Select” box. Set your keyboard on Caps Lock. The system will take you through the fields to be input.
  2. Expiration Date. Do not input expiration date for continuing students of CSULA or any other college.  Exdates for other classes of patron are as follows:High School students (including LACHSA’s): end of the current school year, in the format 6/30/0X. Continuing Ed students: end of current quarter.Otherwise, place ex-date only if the ID card has one. Point to “Next” box to input and continue.
  3. Input Patron Type. System defaults to “34 CSULA Undergraduate.” Highlight this and left click for complete Patron Category listing. Point to appropriate category and left click. Point to “Next” box to input and continue.
  4. Input name in this format: last name, with a comma after it; first name; middle name or initial. Example: KNOWLES, BEYONCE
  5. Input Address in this format: abbreviate whenever possible, including using “LA” for Los Angeles. Skip a line, (using “$”,) between street address, apartment # and city.  Do not use commas. Example: 222 MUCH AVE    Apt. #2      Los Angeles, CA 90022
  6. Input telephone number in this format: area code, (space) first three numbers, (space) last four numbers. Example: 323-343-3980
  7. For CSULA students, staff and faculty, input the CIN that appears on their Campus ID Card. Input CIN number in this format: just the nine digits, with no spaces or dashes. Example: 123456789
  8. Input Patron Barcode by placing it under the laser.
  9. Left click “Insert” box; scroll to “e-mail” and left click; CSULA students, staff and faculty should have their UNIVERSITYE-MAIL ADDRESS input. Other patrons should have their most regularly used e-mail address input.
  10. Input your initials at the end of the “Check your work” & “Input your initials here” line.
  11. Left click the “Save/Close” box at the top of the screen.
Cal State LA University Library
California State University, Los Angeles
5151 State University Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90032-8300