How to properly check out CSU+ and ILL items (as of 12/8/2023)
1. Here are two examples of items ready to be checked out to a patron. Notice that, while they use the same book band design, one band has the due date already written on it (1/19/2024 - ILL) and the other does not. We will handle each type of loan differently when loaning them to the patron.
2. Open the patron’s record in ALMA.
3. Scan the item barcode on the book band without a pre-written due date. The book will be loaned to the user and will display a due date on the screen. In this case, the due date is 3/29/2024. Write this due date in the blank due date field on the book band.
4. Now, scan the item barcode on the book band that has a pre-written due date. Once this book is loaned to the user, we need to modify the due date in Alma so that it reflects the due date that is already written on the slip.
If the patron has lots of items checked out, It’s easy to locate the ILL you just loaned.
As demonstrated below, simply go to the “Loan Display” area, and change “All loans” to “Loans from this session”.
Locate the loaned ILL item on the patron account, go to the three dots on the far right of the item, and select Change Due Date. Change the due date in Alma to the date that was pre-written on the book band.
5. Now these two loans are complete and the books can be given to the user. Press Done in the upper right-hand corner of the Patron Services screen to close the patron's account.