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Service Desk Procedures & Guidelines

Service Desk Procedures & Guideline

Getting change from Cashier's office

The Cashier's Office can generally provide change but you need to arrange the pickup in advance. Only change fund custodians (Mike, and Joe) are currently authorized to pickup change. It is best to request change before 9:30am.

To get change from Cashier's:

  1. Check with other change custodians who are currently working to see if they need change as well and determine what the total amount of change needed is
  2. Record how much cash is taken from each fund to ensure correct re-distribution of change
  3. Place the cash you need change for in a blue deposit bag and lock it (make sure you take the key with you!)
  4. Compose an email with the following information
    • To: Evans, Cory D. <>; Avila, Cynthia E. <>; Lopez, Joan G. <>; Forrest, Sarah L <>
    • Subject: Library change request
    • Body: write the total amount of change you need and a breakdown of how you want the change. For instance: 
  5. Wait for a response from Cashier's that the change is ready
  6. Pick up change and distribute it to the tills/boxes it came from

Taking Care of a payment on ALMA

  1. Look at the Patron’s account on ALMA and click on Pay Now.
  2. A popup will ask you to enter whether it is a cash or check payment. Select Confirm.
  3. A Quick Print option will popup on the right side of the screen. Click on it to generate a copy of the receipt to give to the patron (Print 2 copies, one for the Library, one for the patron to take)
  4. If you missed to popup, you can generate the receipt by clicking on the Active Balance amount on the left of the patron’s account.
  5. Under Fines/Fees Status, change the drop-down from Active to ALL, and find the transaction.
  6. Click on the Remaining Balance hyperlink
  7. Click on the Reference hyperlink
  8. Print 2 copies of the receipt page.

Side note - a copy is also generated in LibAnswers, check closed transactions in libanswers

Processing the payment on Cashnet

***Current list of staff with Cashnet accounts: Haze, Maggie, Carlos C, and Joe***

  1. Using the Cashnet Chrome icon saved on the Desktop, Open Cashnet, and log in using your operator number and password. The station is 8.

  2. Once in Cashnet, click on Start a New Batch

  3. Under “New Transactions”, click on Cashier

  4. Enter the patron’s CIN in the appropriate field. If the patron's CIN cannot be found, use 888888888.

  5. Depending on the type of fee, you will click on one of the following:

0695 = Lib Fines, overdue fines

070 = Lib Pro Fees, library prorated fees (rarely used)

301 = Community Borrower, for charging the yearly fee for the card

711 = Library Replacement Fee, paying for an item that was declared lost/damaged

0655 & 303 are used by other departments in the library, LAO and Special Collections

  1. Enter the Amount, Patron’s name with CIN, Reference # (the Transaction ID on the receipt generated by ALMA), and click Add Item.

  2. At the very bottom of the page, there is a Payments Tendered section. Select either 1 (Cash), 2 (Check), or 3 (Traveler’s Check)

  3. On the next screen, go to the bottom of the page, and click Add Payment” **. Once you do that a receipt will generate and the cashier drawer will open (if you see any additional envelopes in the drawer, please add those to Cashnet by starting from the beginning and starting a new batch) **if it is a Check, a popup will come up and you can feed the check into the little check machine FACE DOWN and it will print library information onto the check during this step.** (You only have ONE chance to get this correct! Pay attention!)

  4. Click Check Out

  5. Enter the amount received in the correct denominations, and make sure the “Print Checkout Report” box is check marked before pressing Continue. Once you click continue, a longer receipt will generate.

  6. If you have more transactions to enter, there is an option to start another batch. Don’t sign out yet though.

  7. Before Signing out, you need to generate a report. Click on Reports.

  8. Scroll all the way down to Cashier Summary – LIBRARY and select it.

  9. Print out the Payments Report. (you can toggle the date if needed)

  10. Fill out a “Cashier Reconciliation” sheet (found in safe room or on the shelf), sign it, and have another staff person sign the “Cashier Signature” field.

  11. Initial all the receipts and put them in an envelope with the cash or check. Label the envelope with the date, the amount, your name and operator number.

Prepping everything for LAO and the Cashier’s office

Scan EVERYTHING. The originals go to Cashiers office in a blue bag (in the safe), and the scanned versions go to LAO Fiscal Services (Jenny Tran).

Cashiers (originals):

Envelope with payment and receipts

Cash Receipt sheet

Reconciliation form

Payments Report sheet (Cashier's summary)

LAO (Scanned)

scanned PDF of ALMA Receipts

scanned PDF or front and back of the processed check (if applicable)

scanned PDF of Cash Receipt sheet

scanned PDF of signed Reconciliation form



  1. Email the scanned copies to LAO Fiscal Services (Jenny Tran) as "Cashnet + the date".

  2. Stuff the blue bag with all the paperwork and envelope, lock it and place in the safe.

  3. Email Mike, Carlos C., and Joe. Let them know there is a deposit in the safe that needs to be taken to the cashiers office in the morning. One of them will need to make the deposit the next day.

  4. Walk the deposit to the Cashier's office the next morning before 11am.

Processing Special Collections payment on Cashnet

***Current list of staff with Cashnet accounts: Carlos B, Carlos C, and Joe***


  1. Using the Cashnet Chrome icon saved on the Desktop, Open Cashnet, and log in using your operator number and password. The station is 8.

  2. Once in Cashnet, click on Start a New Batch

  3. Under “New Transactions”, click on Cashier

  4. Enter the patron’s CIN in the appropriate field. If the patron's CIN cannot be found, use 888888888.

  5. Depending on the type of fee, you will click on one of the following:

Since this is for Special Collections, use:

0655 or 303 (ask Special collections which of these 2 codes)

  1. Enter the Amount, Reference # (the Transaction ID will be SPC + date, example: 2.24.2022), and click Add Item.

  2. At the very bottom of the page, there is a Payments Tendered section. Select either 1 (Cash), 2 (Check), or 3 (Traveler’s Check)

  3. On the next screen, go to the bottom of the page, and click Add Payment” **. Once you do that a receipt will generate and the cashier drawer will open (if you see any additional envelopes in the drawer, please add those to Cashnet by starting from the beginning and starting a new batch) **if it is a Check, a popup will come up and you can feed the check into the little check machine FACE DOWN and it will print library information onto the check during this step.** (You only have ONE chance to get this correct! Pay attention!)

  4. Click Check Out

  5. Enter the amount received in the correct denominations, and make sure the “Print Checkout Report” box is check marked before pressing Continue. Once you click continue, a longer receipt will generate.

  6. If you have more transactions to enter, there is an option to start another batch. Don’t sign out yet though.

  7. Before Signing out, you need to generate a report. Click on Reports.

  8. Scroll all the way down to Cashier Summary – LIBRARY and select it.

  9. Print out the Payments Report. (you can toggle the date if needed)

  10. Fill out a “Cashier Reconciliation” sheet (found in safe room or on the shelf), sign it, and have another staff person sign the “Cashier Signature” field.

  11. Initial all the receipts and put them in an envelope with the cash or check. Label the envelope with the date, the amount, your name and operator number.

Prepping everything for LAO and the Cashier’s office

Scan EVERYTHING. The originals go to Cashiers office in a blue bag (in the safe), the Scanned PDFs should be emailed to LAO Fiscal Services (Jenny Tran).

Cashiers (originals):

Envelope with payment and receipts

Reconciliation form

Payments Report sheet (Cashier's Summary)

LAO (copies)

scanned PDF copies of Receipts

scanned PDF copy of signed Reconciliation form

scanned PDF of front and back of processed check  (if applicable)


  1. Send email of scanned PDF copies to LAO fiscal services (Jenny Tran).

  2. Stuff the blue bag with all the paperwork and envelope, lock it and place in the safe.

  3. Email Mike, Carlos C., and Joe. Let them know there is a deposit in the safe that needs to be taken to the cashiers office in the morning. One of them will need to make the deposit the next day.

  4. Walk the deposit to the Cashier's office the next morning before 11am.

Better World Books payment processing

***Current list of staff with Cashnet accounts:  Carlos B, Carlos C, and Joe***


  1. Using the Cashnet Chrome icon saved on the Desktop, Open Cashnet, and log in using your operator number and password. The station is 8.

  2. Once in Cashnet, click on Start a New Batch

  3. Under “New Transactions”, click on Cashier

  4. Enter 88888888 in the patron ID field and press Enter.

  5. For Better World Books transactions, you will only be using the following code:

                    711 - Library Replacement fee

           (Using this code guarantees that the funds go back into the library's general fund)


  1. Enter the Amount, Name is "Better World Books Payment" Reference # is the check number, and click Add Item.

  2. At the very bottom of the page, there is a Payments Tendered section. Select either 1 (Cash), 2 (Check), or 3 (Traveler’s Check)

  3. On the next screen, go to the bottom of the page, and click Add Payment” **. Once you do that a receipt will generate and the cashier drawer will open (if you see any additional envelopes in the drawer, please add those to Cashnet by starting from the beginning and starting a new batch) **if it is a Check, a popup will come up and you can feed the check into the little check machine FACE DOWN and it will print library information onto the check during this step.** (you only get 1 chance haha)

  4. Click Check Out

  5. Enter the amount received in the correct denominations, and make sure the “Print Checkout Report” box is check marked before pressing Continue. Once you click continue, a longer receipt will generate.

  6. If you have more transactions to enter, there is an option to start another batch. Don’t sign out yet though.

  7. Before Signing out, you need to generate a report. Click on Reports.

  8. Scroll allllllllll the way down to Cashier Summary – LIBRARY and select it.

  9. Print out the Payments Report. (you can toggle the date if needed)

  10. Fill out a “Cashier Reconciliation” sheet (found in safe room or on the shelf), sign it, and have another staff person sign the “Cashier Signature” field.

  11. Initial all the receipts and put them in an envelope with the cash or check. Label the envelope with the date, the amount, your name and operator number.


Prepping everything for LAO and the Cashier’s office

Scan EVERYTHING. The originals go to Cashiers office in a blue bag (in the safe), the Scanned PDFs should be emailed to LAO Fiscal Services (Jenny Tran).

Cashiers (originals):

Envelope with cash or check payment and receipts

Cash Receipt sheet

Reconciliation form

Payments Report sheet 

LAO (copies)

scanned pdf copies of Receipts

 copy of Cash Receipt sheet

scanned pdf copy of signed Reconciliation form

scanned pdf of front and back of processed check  (if applicable)

Cal State LA University Library
California State University, Los Angeles
5151 State University Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90032-8300