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ALMA/Primo Training: Advanced Search/Rules

Alma Advanced Search

If Alma Analytics cannot provide you with the access to the Marc fields you need then Alma Advanced search in combination with Indicator Rules for filtering can be helpful.

Additionally, Normalization Rules saved as processes can update Marc fields quite easily.



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Normalization Rules

Normalization rules provide the building blocks for making enhancements to MARC 21 records. These enhancements can be made to individual records in the MD Editor or to a group of records using sets.

Examples of tasks you can perform with Norm Rules:

  • Replace fields and subfields with other fields and subfields 
  • Add fields and subfields
  • Copy fields
  • Remove fields and subfields
  • Replace text in fields or subfields
  • Add text in subfields

Indicator Rules

Indication rules are used to filter sets. The result of the filtering process is a new set that is created that is a subset of the original/filtered set


Examples of tasks you can perform with Indicator Rules:

I noticed that some e-books had resource type "digital file-data" and wanted to collect a list of all of these resource type for clean-up. Since digital file-data is assigned based on 347 $a data file, a clever co-worker created a Indicator Rule I apply to a Advanced Search of all titles (*). 

rule "mbj 347 $a data file"


exists " file*"


set indication."true"


John F. Kennedy Memorial Library
California State University, Los Angeles
5151 State University Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90032-8300