What Is a Library Database?
What Types of Resources Are Covered by Library Databases?
How Do Library Databases Differ in What They Cover?
Some library databases index items from many subject areas. If you're not sure which database to choose, OneSearch is always the first place you should start, and also some comprehensive databases, such as, the Academic Search Complete is a good place to start. Many library databases index items from a specific subject (i.e. academic discipline). To locate a database by subject, go to the Database page, select databases by subject, or do a topic search using OneSearch, and identify databases for that topic under Collection in the Facet area.
The University Library subscribes to over 350 electronic databases. These databases cover scholarly journal articles in a variety of subject disciplines, and streaming videos, streaming music, reference material, such as encyclopedias, statistical data, artworks, images, as well as primary sources.
All of these databases are accessible both on- and off-campus. If you need to access the library databases from off-campus, you can either launch the VPN or via EZPorxy login using your MyCalStateLA Identity ID and password when prompted.
To access library databases, go to the library homepage (http://library.calstatela.edu), and click the Databases link.
You can select a database by name, subject, type, and vendor, or search database by keyword