Quality business reports encompassing company profiles, market reports, industry outlooks, and economic and demographic conditions globally, covering all continents and major industries.
MarketLine provides statistical modelling functions, interactive reports and databases along with an integrated news service updated on a daily basis. It is a dynamic access point to the world of market intelligence. It can be used in management and marketing courses, especially those with an innovation, entrepreneurship or global focus. In terms of student use: it would provide critical information for drafting assignments related to market plans or new business plans. This database could also be useful for finance classes that deal with investing, especially investing in global markets or emerging economies and industries. The country information could additionally be useful in economics classes.
MarketLine Tutorial
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Business industry information and reports including industry financial ratios, balance sheets, and detailed profit and loss statements. Also covers some hard-to-find small businesses that don't exist as large industries.
US Small Business Administration provides resources on business planning, financing, federal contracts, and a learning platform.
The Plan Your Business page has market research and analysis to create your business plan.
The maps can be exported as high-resolution images for use in reports and presentations, and data can be exported into Microsoft Excel worksheets and Microsoft Word documents. It includes target marketing, advertising campaigns, commercial and residential real estate development, retail store site selection, ranking studies, and social and demographic analyses.
Access Limitation: This database allows five concurrent access at a time. Instruction faculty: please contact your liaison librarians should you need to use the database for class instruction.
Provides access to the Data-Planet repository of standardized and structured statistical data. Users can search and browse 25 billion data points in over 4.3 billion datasets sourced from over 75 authoritative government and private sources.
The database allows users to manipulate datasets, compare multiple indicators, chart trends over time and spatially represent data without requiring additional software programs. Multiple export options are provided. LibGuides: http://data-planet.libguides.com
There are over 250 LibGuides on a variety of states, countries, and content.