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BUS 1010: Introduction to Higher Education

Librarian Help

Library Chat

You can chat online with a Cal State Librarian during the following times:

Monday to Thursday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Friday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

See the yellow chat icon in the lower corner of the Library webpages or visit the Library Help webpage.

Librarian Consultation (Email, Zoom, in-person)

See Librarian Summer Peng's profile on the left side column of this page to make an appointment. She can assist students in person, via Zoom, or email.  A librarian consultation is similar to an instructor's office hours. Librarians cannot proofread your paper, but we can help you find what you need for your assignments.


How to Ask for Help

For some of you, this might be the first time you've had a school library and a librarian to visit. Welcome! Here are some things to keep in mind...

  1. You are never bothering a librarian by asking for help. We want to answer your questions.
  2. Librarians (usually) do not grade you, therefore we do not know your class assignment requirements. Feel free to send us the assignment along with your question.
  3. The more information the better, so write more than one-sentence questions when scheduling a librarian consultation.

Here's an example of a way to frame a question for a librarian:

I'm a student in Business 1010 with Professor XX. We are assigned to write a business report on any company we like and we will also present a PowerPoint presentation at the end of the semester. The assignment requirements are that the business report is 5 pages, double spaced, and that we use 8 outside sources, 1 of which has to be peer-reviewed. I would like to write a report on Zoom, the video conferencing service. I have looked online and found some information on them from their website but I need more resources to meet my requirements. Can you help?

This is a great way of phrasing a research question to a librarian. Notice that the inquiry included the following elements:

  • Course and instructor name
  • Type of assignment like a report, Civic Engagement Project, Career Exploration Project, business plan, or academic plan
  • How many and what type of sources are required?
  • Where have you looked so far?

Make an appointment to talk to a librarian today!

Cal State LA University Library
California State University, Los Angeles
5151 State University Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90032-8300