An increasing number of textbooks are available electronically online (eTextbooks) that are 100% free to use, print, or remix. You can search through collections of these open textbooks online, and then add the hyperlink for a particular book to your Learning Management site.
eBooks, case studies, interactive tutorials, and audiobooks on business and technology. Subjects include problem-solving and leadership, customer service, employee performance, art and design technique, IT certification, enterprise computing, Java, Linux/Unix, Web development, Windows, and XML, as well as big data, artificial intelligence, and gaming.
O'Reilly Online Learning includes many personalization features, so an individual account is needed to access. Follow the steps below to create or log into your O'Reilly Online Learning account.
First-Time User
1. Choose “Institution not listed?” under the “Select your institution” dropdown menu.
2. Enter your Cal State LA email address and click “Let's Go.” This will trigger a verification email to be sent to the email address you input.
3. Follow the steps in the verification email to choose a password and create your account. You can then log into O'Reilly Learning from any computer without having to access through the library's link.
Returning User
1. As for first-time users, choose the “Institution not listed?” option under the “Select your institution” dropdown menu.
2. Rather than entering your email address, choose the “Already a user?” link under the “Your academic email” box.
3. Enter your Cal State LA email address, click Continue, and enter the password you created in the last step of the First-Time User instructions. If you cannot remember your password, choose the “Forgot password?” link and enter your Cal State LA email address to receive a reset email.
For more information, see the O'Reilly FAQs and our O'Reilly Online Learning eBook Online Guide.
Full-text eBooks in historical studies, art history, literature, political science, religion, and primary sources.