Altmetrics, or alternative metrics, are new measures considering online reader behavior, network interactions with content, and social media. Altmetrics are meant to complement, not completely replace, traditional impact measures and are measures of online attention and engagement.
Examples of Altmetrics include:
Strengths of Altmetrics
Locate PlumX in ScienceDirect
This box will show you the number of citations, readers, and mentions in social media. You can click "view details" to see additional details (i.e., the actual tweet that mentioned the article).
Locate PlumX in Scopus
Locate PlumX in Ebsco
You can install a free Chrome, Firefox, and Safari bookmarklet to view individual article metrics when reading journal articles online.
You can create your own embeddable badge to place on your website. Visit and it will walk you through the steps to create your own custom badge.
You can use Impactstory to track how your research is being discussed online, with a focus on Twitter, blogs, and news outlets. It's free to register and use. See an example profile below.