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What Are Permanent Links?

Permanent links, also called durable links, are internet addresses or URLs that remain consistent and do not change over time. For example, our library home page can always be reliably reached at because it is a permanent link.

By using a permanent link to items like full-text articles or videos in databases allows you to share the resource without worrying about the link breaking.

Creating Permalinks from Databases

For articles, media, and datasets you found in an individual database, you will need to add the campus EZProxy prefix ( The proxy prefix points the address to the library’s proxy server and allows Cal State LA community members to authenticate and use the resource from off-campus in our databases. It will look like this: EZProxy Link + Permanent Link

Below is an example of how you would put the EZProxy Link in front of a permanent URL for the below article from an EBSCOHost Database.


Lenhoff, S. W., Somers, C., Tenelshof, B., & Bender, T. (2020). The potential for multi-site literacy interventions to reduce summer slide among low-performing students. Children & Youth Services Review, 110, N.PAG.

  1. Identify the permanent link:
  1. Add the EZProxy Prefix to the permanent link.
  1. Post the final link (see below) wherever you want to share the article.


Links will work from on- and off-campus computers with your MyCSULA Identity authentication.



Creating Permalinks from OneSearch

From the OneSearch Results:

Click the PERMALINK option right above the book or article title. An example is shown below:
Screenshot of Permalink Option in OneSearch


John F. Kennedy Memorial Library
California State University, Los Angeles
5151 State University Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90032-8300