CDC FastStats.
FBI Uniform Crime Reports.
Housing, population, income, race, education, age, sex data. U.S.Census.
US Bureau of Justice Statistics.
NIH National Institute on Drug Abuse.
Download, graph, and track 418,000 US and international time series from 79 sources.
National Center for Education Statistics. US. Dept. of Education.
OECD Gender, Institutions and Development Database.
Nat'l Criminal Justice Reference Center. US DOJ.
FBI Hate Crime Statistics.
Our World in Data.
US Census Bureau Poverty Data Tables.
One of the largest and reliable sources of economic and social data.
Need to limit by country: U.S. Provides a wide range of statistics on social issues – such as demography and family characteristics, employment and unemployment, poverty and inequality, social and health care expenditure, and trust and tolerance. OECD.