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MGMT 4300 Leadership and Management in Healthcare Environments

Leadership and Management in Healthcare Environments


SimplyAnalytics is a powerful database that allows you to create reports and maps that combine locations and demographic data. Its extremelyuseful in order to find customer and assess target markets. Access SimplyAnalytics here.

You'll need your NISmycalstate account if you are off campus. Remember, once you access SimplyAnalytics they have a really short tutorial that you can access within the database that will help you get started if you 'freeze up.'

SimplyAnalytics provides nation-wide data by state, county, ZIP code, census tract, and census block-group geographies. The following types of data are available in SimplyMap (note that your organization may subscribe to a subset of the complete list below):


Demographic Variables

Population, Age, Race, Income, Ancestry, Marital Status, Housing, Employment, Transportation, Families, and more.


Historical Census Data

Historical census data: including 1980, 1990 & 2000, plus current year census estimates and 5 year projections.


Business and Marketing Variables

Detailed Consumer Expenditure, Consumer Price Index, Quality of Life & Consumer Profiles, Business & Employee Counts by industry, and EASI© Market Segments & Life Stages.

Mediamark Research’s (MRI©) Survey of the American Consumer™: EASI, using MRI survey data, produces local estimates of usage and consumption (propensity) for thousands of specific and detailed products and services.

PRIZM™ from Nielson Claritas: defines every U.S. Household in terms of 66 demographic and behavior types or segments to help marketers discern those customers' likes, dislikes, lifestyles, and purchasing behaviors.

Experian SimmonsLOCAL: a powerful targeting and profiling system that provides insights into consumer behavior for all of America's 210 media markets on a local level with 60,000+ data variables, including over 450 categories and 8,000 specific brands.


Point Data

U.S. Business and Points-of-Interest (POI) data (over 5.5 million points) including legal name, business name, NAICS codes, address, telephone number, web address, and general description.


 Health Data*


Answers to frequently asked questions about disease, health status, doctor visits and more 


Health Questions Age 18+ & under 18 


Death Causes 



*Health data compiled from the following surveys:

 NCHS. 2007a. Summary health statistics for U.S. adults: National Health Interview Survey, 2006. Vital Health Stat. 10(235).

 NCHS. 2007b. Summary health statistics for U.S. children: National Health Interview Survey, 2006. Vital Health Stat. 10(234).

 United States Life Tables, 2004. NVSR Volume 56, Number 9.  40 pp. (PHS) 2008-1120

 National Center for Injury Prevention and Control:

List of terms describing the causes of death

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