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MGMT 4300 Leadership and Management in Healthcare Environments

Leadership and Management in Healthcare Environments

Researching Issues in Healthcare Management and Finance

Healthcare, as an industry, is huge. It includes things like:

  • Pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturing
  • Health insurance
  • Health care providers generally
  • Managed care providers
  • Government provided health services
  • Nursing care
  • Home care
  • Diagnostic laboratories and services
  • Hospitals and emergency rooms
  • Research institutions and non-profits
  • Medical insutrments

While it sounds like a great deal of ground to cover, the good news is that researching healthcare companies and industries is similar to any other company and industry research. The databases are pretty much the same.   

Government and Regulatory Research

There are several databases that are useful for researching the government and regulatory side of health-care. Lexis and Westlaw can be used to find law review articles on issues related to health-care and the law. Law reviews are scholarly articles written by attorneys, judges, law professors and law students.

Lexis and Westlaw can also be used to find case law, statutes and regulations that affect the healthcare industry. Both state and federal ones.

LexisNexis Congressional can be used to research pending bills along with legislative history materials (committee prints, markups/versions of a bill, bill forecasting reports, and more.

Special Databases


Link to Safari e-books. These are mostly business, technology, leadership, management and finance related. Can be useful starting points for understanding and issue or topic in a general way.

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