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University Library

OneSearch: The Library Discovery Tool

This guide is here to help the Cal State LA campus become more familiar with the library discover tool and how it works.

1. Select The Advanced Search Option

From the library homepage, click the "Advanced Search" option to the right of the search bar.

OneSearch Advanced Search Option

2. Select a Search Scope

On top of the advanced search box, you will see search scope options. These four options are:

  • Cal State LA Collections: This is the option you'll choose most of the time. It searches everything owned and subscribed to by the Cal State LA Library, including books, articles, e-books, media (music and video), and more!
  • Articles: Narrows your search to look only for journals, magazines, and newspaper articles available at Cal State LA.
  • CSU Collections: Broadens your search to look for books and media from all 23 CSU campuses. This is a great scope to choose because as a member of the Cal State LA campus you are able to request materials we do not have from other Cal State Universities.
  • Course Reserves: Narrows your search to only look for course reserves available in the library. You can search by course name, professor name, or book title.

OneSearch Advanced Search Filters Screenshot

3. Advanced Search for Books

  • Select a field. The field options include Any Field, Author, Title, Subject, ISBN, and more.
  • Type in your search in the search bar to the right of where you selected your field.
  • Optional: Fill out the next line of your search (see picture below)
    • Select AND, OR, or NOT from the drop-down box on the second line.
    • Choose your field and fill out the next search bar.
    • Use the filters to narrow now or filter later in your search results.
    • Add additional lines as needed
  • Submit your search with the magnifying glass in the bottom-right corner.

Advanced Search Filters

4. Review Your Results & Refine Your Search

  • Review your results. You can see how many results you initially have near the top of the results page (pictured in red box).
  • Look on the left-hand side for options to filter your search (pictured in aqua boxes).
  • Use the Sort By drop-down menu on the left-hand side if you want to sort by date, author or title (pictured in purple).

OneSearch Refine Results Screenshot

5. View an Item

  • Click on any title of an item to open up a page from the right.
  • Online Articles, Videos, and Books: Look for "full text available at" for links to use to access the items. If there are multiple links, you can use any of the options to access it.
    • Full text Available at Screenshot
  • Print Books: Check the availability. If the item is available, you'll want the call number. You can use the call number to find the item in the library. To the left of the call number, you'll also see what floor and side of the library the item is on.
    • Book result example
John F. Kennedy Memorial Library
California State University, Los Angeles
5151 State University Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90032-8300