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University Library

#stressless: CSULA Resources


This guide provides information to access stress reduction resources through the Library and beyond.  The first page contains resources specific to the University Library.  The second page provides links to resources that are available to everyone and the last page provides information about counseling services on campus.

"How To" Yoga Books and DVDs

Yoga: the journey in search of oneself  DVD - Level 1 Service Desk   B132.Y6 Y64

"How To" Meditation Books

Below are some links to introductory meditation e-books.  If you are accessing them from off campus, you will need to login with your CSULA Login and password.  

Meditation/Relaxation Music

General Stress Relief Books and DVDs

Why zebras don't get ulcers  DVD - Level 1 Service Desk   QP82.2.S8 S266

Below are a couple of links to e-books.  To access them off campus, just login with your CSULA Login and password.
John F. Kennedy Memorial Library
California State University, Los Angeles
5151 State University Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90032-8300