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Simulation Center: Exam Prep: CHOS Exam Materials

CHOS Exam Materials

Alinier, G. (2011). Developing high-fidelity health care simulation scenarios: A guide for educators and professionals. Simulation & Gaming, 42(1), 9-26.

Ballou, G. (2013). Handbook for sound engineers. Focal Press.

Campbell, S.H. & Daley, K. (2013). 
Simulation Scenarios for Nurse Educators: Making it Real. Springer.

Cooper JB, Taqueti VR. A Brief History of the Development of Mannequin Simulators for Clinical Education and Training. Quality & Safety in Health Care. 2004; 13 (Suppl 1):i11-8.

Ellaway RH, Kneebone R, Lachapelle K, Topps D. (2009) Practica continua: Connecting and combining simulation modalities for integrated teaching, learning and assessment. Medical Teacher, 31, 725-731. Doi:10.1080/014211590903124716

Fanning, R.M. & Gaba, D.M. (2007). The role of debriefing in simulation-based learning.Simulation in Healthcare, 2(2), 115-125.

Gillett, B. et. al. (2013). Simulation is disaster drill: Comparison of high fidelity simulators versus trained actors. Academic Emergency Medicine, 15(11), 1144-1151.

Harden, R. M. (2002). Learning outcomes and instructional objectives: is there a difference? Medical Teacher, 24(2), 151-155.

Henriken,, K. (2008). Advances in Patient Safety: New Directions and Alternative Approaches (Vol. 3: Performance and Tools). Retrieved From:

Kneebone, R., Kidd, J., Nestel, D., Asvall, S., Paraskeva, P., & Darzi, A. (2002). An innovative model for teaching and learning clinical procedures. Medical Education, 36(7), 628-634.

Kurose, J. F., & Ross, K. W. (2012). Computer Networking. Pearson Education.


Kyle, R., Murray, W.B. 2008. Clinical Simulation: Operations, Engineering and Management. Elsevier Science & Technology.

Langford, M. (2000). Basic Photography. Woburn, MA. Focal Press.

Merica, B. J. (2011). 
Medical Moulage: How to Make Your Simulations Come AliveFA Davis.

Molloy, G. J., & O'Boyle, C. A. (2005). The SHEL model: a useful tool for analyzing and teaching the contribution of Human Factors to medical error. Academic Medicine, 80(2), 152-155.

Mozier, J. et al. (2009). Simulations and games: Overcoming barriers to their use in higher education. Active Learning in Higher Education, 10(3), 207-224.

Patel, H. G., Oliver, P., & Ram, B. (2008). The need for cultural sensitivity. Caring for Hindu Patients. Edited by Diviash Thakrara, Rasamandala Das and Aziz Sheikh, 41.

Rudolph, J. W., Simon, R., Raemer, D. B., & Eppich, W. J. (2008). Debriefing as formative assessment: closing performance gaps in medical education. Academic Emergency Medicine, 15(11), 1010-1016.

Salas, E., etal. (2008). Debriefing medical teams: 12 evidence-based best practices and tips. The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, 34(9), 518-527.

Scerbo, M. (2014) Quantitative vs. qualitative research. The Society for Simulation in Healthcare Interest Groups & Committees retrieved from

Tanenbaum, A. S., & Woodhull, A. S. (2006). Operating systems: design and implementation (Vol. 13). Pearson Prentice Hall.

Ulrich, B., & Mancini, M. E., Eds. (2014). Mastering Simulation: A Handbook for Success. Indianapolis, IN. Sigma Theta Tau International.

Waxman, K. T. (2010). The development of evidence-based clinical simulation scenarios: Guidelines for nurse educators. Journal of Nursing Education, 49(1), 29-35.

Wheeler, D. S. , et al. (2013). High-reliability emergency response teams in the hospital: Improving quality and safety using in situ simulation training. BMJ Quality & Safety, 22(6), 5007-514. Archives/2010/03/Best-Practices-for-Facilitating-Simulations

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