Quality business reports encompassing company profiles, market reports, industry outlooks, and economic and demographic conditions globally, covering all continents and major industries.
MarketLine provides statistical modelling functions, interactive reports and databases along with an integrated news service updated on a daily basis. It is a dynamic access point to the world of market intelligence. It can be used in management and marketing courses, especially those with an innovation, entrepreneurship or global focus. In terms of student use: it would provide critical information for drafting assignments related to market plans or new business plans. This database could also be useful for finance classes that deal with investing, especially investing in global markets or emerging economies and industries. The country information could additionally be useful in economics classes.
MarketLine Tutorial
Peer-reviewed and non-scholarly trade articles from leading business and management publications, including English-language titles outside the U.S.
The most widely used business research database. Includes peer-reviewed articles and non-scholarly articles on a wide range of topics, including accounting, banking, economics, finance, international trade, marketing, and more.
Due to some issues with BizMiner's site, please clear the cache and cookies from your browser before accessing. If you run into issues after doing so, please contact Library Support at libsupport@calstatela.edu.
Business industry information and reports including industry financial ratios, balance sheets, and detailed profit and loss statements. Also covers some hard-to-find small businesses that don't exist as large industries.
Provides industry benchmarks for hundreds of public and private companies. It includes 14 key business ratios, such as solvency, efficiency, and profitability, for 800 different lines of business. Users can choose between a one-year or three-year set of ratios.