Use one or more of the following databases to find journal articles, newspaper articles, etc. The full list of available databases/indexes can be found using the link on the library homepage. You can find a list of databases related to WGSS research by selecting Women and Gender Studies under All Subjects.
A great starting place for any research topic. Includes a wealth of peer-reviewed and non-scholarly articles on a wide range of topics and disciplinary areas.
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If so, click on the full text link to save and/or print the full article and export the article citation to Refworks.
If not, click on to learn how to locate the article in full-text. This page will let you know if:
1. The article you are looking for is available in another database
2. If the article is not available in another database, you can submit a request to get the article using Interlibrary Loan (ILL). ILL is a service where the library gets an electronic copy of the article for you for free and sends you a notification to your email.
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