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BIOL 3200: Writing for Biologists

This guide is here to support students in the Writing for Biologists Course.

Article Infographic

This infographic describes what peer-reviewed articles are and where to find them. An accessible description is provided as well.

Article Defintions

Peer-Reviewed Articles are...

  • Papers written by experts in a subject area
  • Reviewed by experts in that same subject area
  • Include citations and bibliographies

Primary Research Papers are peer-reviewed articles that report original research conducted by the author.

Secondary Research Papers are peer-reviewed articles that review, analyze, or interpret other studies. One example is a literature review.


Articles are found in journals (i.e., Nature or Cell) which:

  • Typically are published in intervals like magazines
  • Contain multiple articles in one issue
  • Focus on specific subject areas


Journal articles can often be found in databases. Databases such as Scopus or Pubmed can:

  • Include many different journals
  • May focus on a specific subject or topic
  • May provide full-text access to the article immediately or the citation for it
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