Selected full-text articles, citations, and links to PDF page images, graphs, charts, diagrams, photos, and illustrations in biological, agricultural, veterinary science, wildlife management, and environmental science areas.
Provides full text access to over 30 journal publications by the American Chemical Society.
Peer-reviewed articles in medicine, microbiology, nursing, psychiatry, public health, sports medicine, and more
Index with abstracts to more than 4,500 journals published worldwide in 30 languages, covering all areas of medicine (including nursing, public health, pharmacy, sports medicine, psychiatry, dentistry, veterinary medicine, etc.).
Look up all the abbreviated journal names used in MEDLINE in List of Journals Indexed in Index Medicus/MEDLINE.
1966 to date. Updated monthly.
Includes the following four modules: 3D Atlas (detailed regional overview of the human body from head to toe, including 3D views, clinical text, dissection slides and videos, animations, MRI correlations and quizzes); Functional Anatomy (sports injuries, exercises and training); Clinical Specialty (speech language pathology and audiology); and Therapy (acupuncture and hand therapy).
For more helpful features, click on the question mark icon on the top-left part of the page within the AnatomyTV interface.
3D Atlas/Other 3D Human modules (will cover 3D Atlas, SLP, Audiology and some of the other modules):
3D Human Functional Anatomy (includes all modules under the Functional Anatomy tab):
A great starting place for any research topic. Includes a wealth of peer-reviewed and non-scholarly articles on a wide range of topics and disciplinary areas.
If you can't find an article or book through the library, then you can use CSU+ in OneSearch or Interlibrary Loan (ILL) to request a copy of your article or book for free from another library. You will need to register the first time you use Interlibrary Loan. We recommend using CSU+ first as you will typically get your material quicker than with Interlibrary Loan.
You can view additional FAQ on the CSU+ and ILL Topic Page.