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University Library

Open Access Research

This guide contains information about open access resources and events held by the University Library.

ACM Open

ACM is committed to a sustainable future where all peer reviewed scholarly articles will be published in the ACM Digital Library on an Open Access (OA) basis. The transition to this model needs to be done in a way that ensures the long-term viability of ACM’s Publications program and the Good Works that ACM supports through its various educational, diversity and inclusion, public policy, and computing community recognition initiatives. Provided it is achieved in a sustainable manner, the transition to OA should be greatly beneficial to the advancement of computer science in the form of increased usage and citation of research.

Since 2013, ACM has been experimenting with Green & Gold Open Access models for OA publication, including a Hybrid Open Access model, which gives ACM authors the ability to make their individual works Open Access immediately upon publication in the ACM Digital Library. While the number of ACM authors opting for Hybrid OA continues to grow each year and our other OA experiments continue to show real promise, it has become clear that none of these models are being adopted at a rate that is likely to result in a complete flip from the current institutional subscription-based licensing model to a wholly Open Access publication model now or in the foreseeable future; therefore, we have continued to explore models that have the potential for greater impact.

For more information on ACM Open. Please click here.

John F. Kennedy Memorial Library
California State University, Los Angeles
5151 State University Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90032-8300