...is never easy. How you go about it depends on your topic. It's a good idea to ask for help from your professor or librarian; they may recommend a specialized resource for your research. Here are some suggestions for keywords and subject terms to try:
Use the advanced search in One Search and search by author/contributor to find autobiographies/ memoirs/ photograph collections/ interviews/ music (CDs)/ documentaries (DVDs)/ poetry (primary sources) by musicians vs. searching the musician's name as a subject to find biographical information (secondary source).
You may have to broaden your search to CSU collections if you are not coming up with many titles at our library. You can then request the title you need using CSU+.
Limit by resource type to CD, DVD, Book, etc.
Components of a Research Article
Title: A concise description of the empirical research report. It should convey appropriate information about the study or studies presented in the report.
Abstract: Provides a brief but comprehensive summary of the research.
Introduction: Sets the research in a context (it provides the "big picture"), provides a review of related research, and develops the hypotheses for the research. The introduction describes the problem, develops the theoretical and empirical background for the research questions, and elaborates a rationale for all parts of the study.
Method (or methodology): A description of how the research was conducted, including who the participants were, the design of the study, what the participants did, and what measures were used. The detail is important so the reader can determine the appropriateness of the method for answering the scientific questions. It is also important for another researcher to be able to replicate the study. This section reads a lot like a recipe.
Results: Describes the outcomes of the measures of the study. This section contains the summaries and analyses of the measures obtained in the study. This is where the "answers" to the research questions will be found.
Discussion: Contains the interpretations and implications of the study. There may be more that one study in the report; in this case, there are usually separate Method and Results sections for each study followed by a General Discussion that ties all the research together.
References: Contains information about all the articles and books that were cited in the report. The reference citations are used to support statements made in the article.
Modified from @Department of Psychology, Academic Technologies for Learning, and University of Alberta, 1997.
Retrieved 10/1/06 from http://www.artsci.gmcc.ab.ca/courses/psyc208/Reading/Reading.htm
Google Books offers free full-text access to many out-of-copyright e-books usually published before the 1920's. This includes archival and primary source materials. The easiest way to search for these titles is to use the advanced search page and select full view.
Streaming documentary and education films, newsreel and broadcast news features, historical films, and subject-specific video across multi-disciplines. Notable publishers include 60 Minutes, Sony Pictures Classics, and more.
Beginning April 15, 2024, Android 7.1.1 will be the earliest supported Android OS for Kanopy mobile use. Users will be prompted to update if necessary starting on that date.
Streaming documentaries, independent feature films, foreign films, classic cinema, and select popular movies.
Information about Viewing Kanopy Videos on Mobile Devices
The Kanopy films can be viewed on iPhones, iPads, and Android phones and tablets using the Kanopy app. Download the app for iPhone or iPad from the Apple App Store, or download the app for Android phones and tablets from the Google Play Store.
To use the app, you'll need a Kanopy account associated with Cal State LA. If you have a non-Cal State LA Kanopy account, you must make a Cal State LA-specific account to access our resources through the app.
If you already created an account on the Kanopy web page via the Library Databases page, you can directly select Log In when you first open the app. If you don't have a Kanopy account yet, after downloading the app, select “Get Started,” select the Find University link as shown below, and then follow the steps to create your Kanopy account:
• Type in California State University, Los Angeles.
• Select our campus name, and click Next to get to the campus login page.
• Log in using MyCalStateLA ID and password. Please note when you type in your ID, please don’t include @calstatela.edu.
• To create your account, you need to use your Cal State LA email address, but you can use a different password for your Kanopy account.
• Once you have created your Kanopy account, you can then login to Kanopy app on your phone or tablet.
For help creating a Kanopy account on your iPhone or iPad, go to iPhone Help Page.
For help creating a Kanopy account on your Android phone or tablet, go to Android Help Page.
Refine your search by subject to documentary
You can limit your search in many news databases by document type to interview to search for this type of primary source.