This guide is intended to help you find resources for researching theater theory, criticism, and history; find plays to read and watch; and properly give credit to sources you use through citation.
Use the menu to the left to navigate through the guide, see the librarian profile below the menu for help.
Peer-reviewed articles on art, film, music, world literature, philosophy, religion, and more.
Decentered Playwriting investigates new and alternative strategies for dramatic writing that incorporate non-Western, Indigenous, and marginalized storytelling techniques and traditions while deepening a creative practice that decenters dominant dramatic methodologies.
Featuring a mix of plays and scholarly essays, this work originally emerged from the Latino Theater Company's Encuentro de las Américas festival, produced in partnership with the Latinx Theatre Commons (LTC) at the Los Angeles Theatre Center in 2017. The collection chronicles not only the theatrical productions of the festival, but also features a transnational exploration of U.S. Latinx and Latin American theatre-making.