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Canvas Reading List tool

How to set up a course reading list in Canvas.

Create a reading list

After you have enabled the Reading List function in Canvas you are ready to create a reading list. To create a new reading list from scratch:

1. Click Reading List in the navigation menu.

2. Under Create a new reading list from scratch click Create It.

Create a new reading list from scratch

3. You can also upload a previously exported reading list or roll over an existing course's reading list from a previous term.

By default, your new reading list will have the same title as the course. You may rename it if you wish and optionally enter a description. Then click Create.

4. Select a template. You can Add/Modify sections in a template at any time.

  • Blank to create custom sections.
  • 15-week to divide readings for each week of instruction.
  • Required, Suggested, Further will create three different sections.

5. If you are satisfied with your template and sections, you can begin adding items to your Reading List.

Rolling over a reading list

You can roll over an existing reading list from another Canvas course. To re-use a reading list:

1. Under Roll over reading lists from an existing course click Roll over.

2. Select the course to roll over by searching by course title.

3. Click Roll over.

  • You can edit a Reading List after they are rolled over.

4. A pop-up will appear alerting you that your currently selected Reading List will be rolled over to your new course. Select OK.

  • While Reading List can recalculate or reset certain settings during roll over, we advise reviewing your own Reading List to verify that linked resources are still available.

Please note: If you roll over a Reading List, please notify the library so we can confirm all resources are accessible.

Video Tutorial

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California State University, Los Angeles
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Los Angeles, CA 90032-8300