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WGSS 3720- Reproductive Justice

What Researchers Do:

TOPIC – Define the research question/statement

SOURCES – Identify the information need. Do you need background info? A research article? A literature review article? etc. What databases would include this type of information on your topic?

KEYWORDS – Select the words you will be using to find information effectively and efficiently (Use a variety of words to describe your topic/concepts. Find subject headings that relate to your topic/concept).

EVALUATION – Evaluate information critically. Is the info relevant, reliable, current, appropriate?

USE--Organize, synthesize and communicate information to make your point/argument.

CITE--Ethically and legally access and use info by avoiding plagiarism and citing all your sources.

WGSS 3720 Required Text

Scholarly Journals and Peer Review

Peer Reviewed Journal Articles-  Articles reviewed by experts/ scholars in the field that meet specific criteria with regards to a specific publication or discipline.

Scholarly Articles- Articles written by experts that can either be primary research or a review of the literature on a particular subject.

Scholarly vs. Popular Periodicals Video

This video was produced by librarians at the Peabody Library at Vanderbilt University.

Peer Review in 5 Minutes

Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Sarah Baker
Please e-mail me with questions or to make an appointment.
Cal State LA University Library
California State University, Los Angeles
5151 State University Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90032-8300