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Google Scholar

Using Google Scholar via the Library Database A-Z List

Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature.

The benefit to use Google Scholar via the library database A-Z list is that your search result page provides you direct links
to full-text articles in databases subscribed by the Library.   If you enter a book title, the citation includes a “Library Search” link which will tell you if the book is available at CSULA or other local libraries. 

  • To access Google Scholar via the library database A-Z list, go to library home page at and click Articles & Databases tab.
  • Select Google Scholar from the Choose a Database by NAME list

Google Scholar on A to Z

*** Please Note: When you use this Google Scholar link from off-campus, you will need to enter your MYCSULA Identity Account ID and password.

If you prefer to search the Web using a search engine or Google Scholar directly from, you need to follow the steps laid out in Libguide Google Scholar Search tab of this guide before you can retrieve full-text articles from the library's subscription databases.  Otherwise you would be asked to pay for articles covered in our subcription databases.  Please remember as an enrolled student, you do not need to pay for any of your selected articles if they are available in the library's subcription databases when you use the Google Scholar link from the database A-Z list.  

John F. Kennedy Memorial Library
California State University, Los Angeles
5151 State University Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90032-8300