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English Composition / First Year Writing

A research guide for students in first year writing classes (ENGL 1005A/B,10010, 1050, 2030)

Scholarly vs. Popular Articles





The general public

Scholars and researchers

Source Types

Magazines and newspapers produced by general publishers

Academic journals produced by university or academic publishers

How to Find

GoogleNews, OneSearch (refine to news or magazine), Library Databases (e.g., LA Times)

OneSearch (refine to peer-reviewed), Library Databases (e.g., Academic Search Complete), GoogleScholar

What is Peer-Review?

A peer-reviewed journal article is published in a journal that requires a thorough review process (3-5 experts) that can take up to two years.

Video provided by NC State University Libraries

Academic Books

In addition to scholarly articles, your Professor may allow you to use books or book chapters.

  • Scholarly Books: Offer in-depth research and discussion of a topic. May include full-length critical books or volumes with essays. Written by expert authors such as scientists, Ph.Ds, and Professors.
  • Popular Books: Written for general audiences and does not shar research. May include autobiographies, fiction, or historical reading. Published by anyone.
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