You can use AND, OR, and NOT to build a search phrase that helps narrow or broaden your search results.
- AND: Narrows your search and retrieves results that include both terms you are searching.
- I.e., birds AND "wind farms"
- OR: Broadens your search and retrieves items that include both terms.
- NOT: Narrows your search and excludes items with a certain term.
You can also use " " quotation marks and ( ) parenthesis to build your search.
- " " Quotation marks will tell OneSearch when you are looking for a phrase and keeps two or more terms together.
- I.e., By putting " " quotation marks around the phrase "wind farms" OneSearch will know to only look for the two terms together.
- ( ) Parenthesis put your search words into sets. It's particularly useful when you are using AND, OR, or NOT.
- I.e., (Birds OR raptors) and "wind farms"