PAIS International - The PAIS (Public Affairs Information Service) database from CSA covers publications from over 120 countries and contains references to more than 553,300 journal articles, books, government documents, statistical directories, conference reports and gray literature, with a subject focus on public administration, including social conditions and public policy.
CQ Researcher - Current events and controversial issues of the day. Noted for its in-depth, unbiased coverage of health, social trends, criminal justice, international affairs a division of Congressional Quarterly Inc.
Academic Search Complete - Provides over 20,000 indexed and abstracted journals including 6,600 full-text journals and magazines, nearly 6,000 peer-reviewed journals. PDF content dating back to 1887.
Social Sciences Full Text - Sociology, psychology, anthropology, geography, economics, political science, law - over 600 periodicals, nearly 400 are peer-reviewed. Full text coverage begins in 1994, abstracting begins in 1984 and indexing begins in 1983.
Worldwide Political Science Abstracts - Covers political science, international relations, law, sociology, economics, public administration policy.
CountryWatch - Brings together in a concise and useful form, a key set of political, economic, and business information for 192 countries worldwide.
Congressional Publications - ProQuest Congressional Publications provides access to historical and current Congressional information and publications on all aspects of legislation. Coverage: 1789 to the present.
Statista Pro - Statista is a statistics portal that provides statistics and data on over 1 million statistics and facts from more than 10,000 different sources including agriculture, advertising, health, hospitality, consumer goods, and much more. The content is geared towards business and marketing statistical needs, with a focus on current statistics.
Statistical Abstract of the United States - U.S. statistics on population, health, education, employment, public aid, and more.
Ulrich's Web This link opens in a new window( Ulrich's Periodicals Directory) - Ulrich's is an authoritative source of bibliographic and publisher information on more than 30,000 periodicals of all types academic and scholarly journals, Open Access publications, peer-reviewed titles, popular magazines, newspapers, newsletters and more from around the world. It covers all subjects, and includes publications that are published regularly or irregularly and that are circulated free of charge or by paid subscription.
Westlaw Next - WestlawNext Campus Research provides legal materials including cases, statutes, and regulations of the U.S. government and state governments. It includes the legal encyclopedia American Jurisprudence 2nd and American Law Reports, as well as Black's Law Dictionary and Campus Research Legal Guides.
JSTOR - Offers interdisciplinary content including approximately 2,300 academic journals across the humanities, social sciences, and sciences, as well as select monographs and other materials.