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The Wall Street Journal

Learn how Cal State LA students and employees can get free access to The Wall Street Journal!

Wall Street Journal Resources for Students

The Wall Street Journal includes many resources for students with your Cal State LA WSJ subscription access, including:

  • Future View: A forum that allows students to have their voice heard on timely and important topics. A selection of thoughtful opinions will be edited and published on the Opinion page.
  • Student Referral Program: Student subscribers can receive an exclusive WSJ T-shirt if they get five friends from Cal State LA to redeem their school-sponsored subscription.
  • Newsletters: Curated newsletters on a variety of topics sent directly to your email inbox.
  • WSJ Graduation Journey: For graduating seniors, WSJ offers a discounted subscription for young professionals priced at $2 per month for the first year —a 95% discount on standard consumer rate. Students who take advantage of the offer will continue to get a discounted rate for the next 7 years.
  • WSJ Challenge Series: Challenges to help improve your personal approach to networking, investing, finance, fitness and wellness. Each challenge starts when you sign up and continues with one email a week to your inbox—full of exercises and how-tos—for four to six weeks. Examples include the Healthy Habits Challenge and the Networking Challenge.
  • And more!

Follow the instructions here to activate your Cal State LA-sponsored WSJ account and start exploring! Visit the student introduction here or contact the University Library for more info.

Cal State LA University Library
California State University, Los Angeles
5151 State University Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90032-8300