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The Wall Street Journal

Learn how Cal State LA students and employees can get free access to The Wall Street Journal!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long will students and employees be able to access the Wall Street Journal?
  • Students have access until three months past the graduation month and year they select when registering. 
  • Employees receive 1 year of full account access. After this period, they must re-authenticate by visiting This link can also be used at any time during the subscription period to continually re-authenticate.


  • What's included in Cal State LA's Wall Street Journal subscription?

Articles, videos, blogs, podcasts, newsletters, subscriber events, instructor resources, challenges, and access through the WSJ mobile app. For students, there is access to Future View (WSJ's student opinion forum), WSJ's student referral program, a discounted subscription rate after graduation, and more!


  • What if I already have a personal Wall Street Journal subscription?

Follow our instructions for users with existing subscriptions here.


  • Can I access the WSJ through the mobile app? 

Yes, see the following page for more information: WSJ mobile app.


  • I'm having trouble creating an account. Where do I get help?



  • What if I forgot my password?

Find info on resetting your WSJ password here.

Help and Technical Support

Wall Street Journal Support


University Library Support

John F. Kennedy Memorial Library
California State University, Los Angeles
5151 State University Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90032-8300