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HNRS 1200: Reading Los Angeles: Expressive Cultures in a Global City

Scholarly Articles

Scholarly articles are typically published in Academic Journals. They offer in-depth research by experts in the field. The audience is less general than news and magazine articles; scholarly journal audiences include students, experts (e.g., Professors, Musicians, Historians), and any other researchers looking for in-depth investigation about a topic such as the influence of Ritchie Valens on rock and roll or Latinx rock.

OneSearch: Scholarly Articles

OneSearch enables you to search across most (not all) the library's databases all at once.

1. Search using keywords (major concepts). Might be a person (e.g., Brian Wilson), movement (Latino Rock), issue (Addiction), band (The Doors), etc.

  • Put keywords in quotes if they are more than one word: "brian wilson"
  • Separate keywords by "and" or "or"
    • "and" example: addiction and beach boys and wilson
    • "or" example: latino rock or mexican rock
    • combination: latino rock or mexican rock and history and los angeles
  • Do an advanced search to break out keywords by row


2. Filter to peer-reviewed articles to narrow results to scholarly research

Try a Database!

Cal State LA University Library
California State University, Los Angeles
5151 State University Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90032-8300