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University Library

Faculty Guide -- Library Media Accessibility

Finding Library DVDs that are Closed-Captioned

Most commercially available DVDs (such as Hollywood feature films & TV shows) include Closed Captioning (CC).  However, some educational documentaries from independent vendors or older media may not include CC.  

One way to do a preliminary search for library DVDs that include CC is to use
Advanced Search in the library’s OneSearch Catalog.

Select “Any Field” contains “Closed Captioned” and limit the material type to DVDs.  This will produce a list of all the DVDs in the library collection that list CC as a feature in our catalog records.  You can also add subjects/keywords (for example: Global Warming) in the additional search box to locate DVDs (with CC) on particular subjects.

Please Note: 
 It’s always a good idea to check a DVD in advance to determine if it includes the CC viewing option.  In some cases, the DVD may include CC even if it was not mentioned specifically in our library catalog record.


Closed Captioned Library Catalog Search

John F. Kennedy Memorial Library
California State University, Los Angeles
5151 State University Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90032-8300