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ANTH 4800: Anthropological Methods and Techniques

Course Textbooks

What Researchers Do:

TOPIC – Define the research question/statement

SOURCES – Identify the information need. Do you need background info? A research article? A literature review article? etc. What databases would include this type of information on your topic?

KEYWORDS – Select the words you will be using to find information effectively and efficiently (Use a variety of words to describe your topic/concepts. Find subject headings that relate to your topic/concept).

EVALUATION – Evaluate information critically. Is the info relevant, reliable, current, appropriate?

USE--Organize, synthesize and communicate information to make your point/argument.

CITE--Ethically and legally access and use info by avoiding plagiarism and citing all your sources.

Examples of Scholarly Articles



Qualitative Study

Quantitative Study

Literature Review


Sample groups too small to analyze using statistics




Produces numerical results/ analyzed statistically

An article that provides an overview of important research on a particular topic

Reviews several quantitative studies analyzing them looking for patterns/ trends within data

Case Study


May involves experimentation

Considered scholarly but not primary research/ no new study is conducted

Uses existing studies



Survey/ questionnaire



Usually considered another form of quantitative research

Focus Groups




Research and Citation Help

Ask questions in real time using chat on the library website– click on this chat icon

on the bottom right-hand corner of the page to open up the question form

Chat with the Cal State LA Library:

Monday- Thursday 10:00 AM- 6:00 PM,  Friday 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM


Writing Help


The University Writing Center (UWC) is for all Cal State LA students.  You can bring us any type of writing assignment at any stage of the process.  We can help you understand the assignment as well as plan, organize, and revise your paper.  We can even help you learn to proofread for your most common mistakes.

Writing/ Tutoring Hours:

Monday - Thursday: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Friday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Online Tutoring Appointments   After Hours Tutoring Appointments

Accessing Library Resources from Home

When you access library electronic resources from off-campus, you need to use one of the following methods. Using OneSearch will automatically prompt the EZProxy login.

1.  Campus VPN  (Recommended)

Setting up VPN (Virtual Private Network) on your personal computer allows students, faculty, and staff to access library resources from off-campus.

  • Download the VPN client 
  • Once VPN is installed on your computer, you turn it on by clicking the Connect button (shown below).

    Global Protect Icon 

2.  Library Login  (Default)

When you are off-campus and click on library electronic resources, you will be prompted to login using the EZproxy Login screen (shown below). Login using your MyCalStateLA ID username and password.


Please note:

  • Place your MyCalStateLA ID account username (e.g. lsmith8) in the username box. Do not include as part of your username.
  • If you don't know your MyCalStateLA password, please go to the myCalStateLA page and click on "Forgot Password."
  • If you experience difficulty in recovering your ID username and password, please contact the ITS Help Desk at or 323-343-6170

Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Sarah Baker
Please e-mail me with questions or to make an appointment.
Cal State LA University Library
California State University, Los Angeles
5151 State University Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90032-8300