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FAQ for ECST Students

This guide answers some questions from incoming ECST students. Most answers were found on the page.

How the Library Works for Students


How to borrow books? How many books can I check out? What are the late fees? What books can I get from the library?


Can you check out or rent textbooks from the library?

When do students know to get their textbooks? Instructors list required books and readings on their course syllabus when classes start. Textbooks can also be found at the campus bookstore course finder.

How do students rent books from the campus bookstore?

What is the ASI Textbook Scholarship Program?

What are course reserves?

Library Services and Spaces

When is the library open? What are the hours?

Where is the library?

What services does the library provide? What can students do at the library?

What are the library policies and rules?

What computers are available?

What kinds of rooms and computer monitors are available? What is their purpose?

Where are the quiet and not quiet spaces in the library?

Where can a student study alone? Where can I find maps with individual and group study spaces? Where is the library floor plan?

What are the library presentations about? What does the ECST librarian do? For faculty? For students?

What resources are recommended to incoming first-year students? How might new students take advantage of the schools' resources?

Talking to your librarian about research assignments early and often as well as communicating your needs and questions to your instructors and other students in your classes or campus organizations can make a big difference. The people who work at the school and attend the school can guide you to the most valuable resources, the resources you need.


More FAQs

Thanks to the 2022-2023 ESTEP students for their participation.

Cal State LA University Library
California State University, Los Angeles
5151 State University Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90032-8300