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Getting Started

When doing research in kinesiology there are a variety of sources available to you.  The first step is selecting a topic and figuring out what types of sources of information you will need to use for your research.

If you need scholarly and/or peer reviewed articles, you will want to start with a database. If you need background information, a good starting point would be a subject encyclopedia. 

If you need help figuring out where to begin you may always contact me.


Off-Campus Access

Writing Help

APA Style Central

Electronic Reference Sources

Online encyclopedias are a good starting point for research.

Anatomy TV

Print Reference Sources


There are many print reference sources that are also good starting points for research. 

Adapted physical education and sport:  Level 2 Library North   GV445 .A3 2011

Dance anatomy and kinesiology:  Level 3 Library South   RC1220.D35 C55 2007

Encyclopedia of extreme sports:  Level 2 Library North   GV749.7 .E53 2009 

John F. Kennedy Memorial Library
California State University, Los Angeles
5151 State University Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90032-8300