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ScholarWorks @ Cal State LA

Increase the Visibility of Your Scholarly Publications and Research!

Cal State LA Collections


To access print copies of Cal State LA theses and dissertations, published prior to 2011, please visit Special Collections & Archives.

At the request of the author(s), some theses and dissertations may be unavailable and/or their access may be temporarily delayed (embargoed).

The University Library is currently in the process of identifying and reviewing previously published open access Cal State LA Faculty Publications (published between 2017 and 2022) for inclusion in ScholarWorks. Stay tuned!

Searching and Browsing


  1. Start your search by using the search bar from the main ScholarWorks home page. You can also browse by selecting either a resource type or campus.


Main ScholarWorks Screen


  1. Use the filters on the left hand side to narrow down your search results.


ScholarWorks filters


Downloading Files

Open Access Files

Most files in ScholarWorks are meant to be Open Access and freely downloadable by anyone without requiring a login. In these instances, you will see a thumbnail image of the file along with a "Download PDF" option.

Open Access Theses Download Button in ScholarWorks


Restricted Files

Some theses in ScholarWorks are not Open Access and are limited to the Cal State LA community.  When you encounter these, you will be asked to login. 


Thesis requiring user login to view or download in ScholarWorks



  1. Important: Before clicking "login," copy the URL of the ScholarWorks page and save it somewhere.  This will allow you to easily navigate back to it once the login process is complete.
  1. Select "login."  Then, select Los Angeles from the list of options and enter your Cal State LA credentials to sign in. 

ScholarWorks Login Screen - select your campus


  1. After logging in, you will be re-directed to your Dashboard.

ScholarWorks dashboard


  1. Paste the URL you saved from step one back into your browser (ScholarWorks is unable to redirect you back to the record you were on before logging in).
  1. You will then see the option to "Download PDF."

***If you forgot to save the URL before logging in:  To get back to the main search/browse homepage, click on the "CSU - The California State University" link at the top of the screen. Once there, navigate back to the record you were looking for and select the "Download PDF" option.***

Redirect back to ScholarWorks homepage


John F. Kennedy Memorial Library
California State University, Los Angeles
5151 State University Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90032-8300