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Communication Disorders


There are many databases that you can use to find articles. Remember that databases will only include journals that are within that particular subject area. 


The OneSearch allows you to search through the Cal State LA library catalog and most of our databases. It is a great place to begin searching.

Journal Quality

New York Times

Terms and Conectors

Once you finish laughing you may find you actually understand boolean searching once and for all. This lady is bit odd but she's a great teacher!

Connector Words


for when you need all terms in a search string included in the articles you retrieve



for when you have more than one way to say the same thing

if either of the terms shows up in articles retrieved it will be a useful article


* !

wild-cards for getting a root word and all of it's endings

for example: communicat* will search for communication, communicating, communicates, communicated, communicator, etc.

Cal State LA University Library
California State University, Los Angeles
5151 State University Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90032-8300