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One Campus, One Book 2009

Persian Diaspora

Persian Diaspora


If your home were besieged by political instability, war, or natural disaster, would you consider settling elsewhere?  Why would you leave? Why would you stay?  

Do you approve of Marjane's parents' decision to send her out of the country on her own at age 14?  In what ways do you feel that her life would be improved or challenged by living outside of Iran?


Der-Martirosian, Claudia. Iranian Immigrants in Los Angeles: The Role of Networks and Economic IntegrationNew York: LFB Scholarly Publishing, 2008. F869.L89 I54 2008

Ghorashi, Halleh. Ways to Survive, Battles to Win: Iranian Women Exiles in the Netherlands and the United States. New York: Nova Science, 2002. HQ1657 .G46 2002

Gomez, Michael A. Black Crescent: The Experience and Legacy of African Muslims in the Americas. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005. E185.G615 2005

Marvasti, Amir and Karyn D. McKinney. Middle Eastern Lives in America. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2004. E184.A65 M37 2004

Naficy, Hamid. The Making of Exile Cultures: Iranian Television in Los AngelesMinneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1993.PN1992.8.E84 N34 1993

Ramadan, Tariq. Western Muslims and the Future of Islam. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004. BP65.A1 R3613 2004

Sullivan, Zohreh T. Exiled Memories: Stories of Iranian DiasporaPhiladelphia: Temple University Press, 2001. E184.I5 S85 2001


Hakimzadeh, Shirin. Iran: A Vast Diaspora Abroad and Millions of Refugees at Home. Migration Policy Institute. September 2006.

Persian Diaspora: Worldwide Persian Outreach.  FarsiNet. 2009.

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