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Economic Data

International Database (IDB) -- U.S. Census Bureau

Balance of Payments -- U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) -- Summarizes quarterly economic transactions of the United States with foreign countries and organizations.

Direct Investment [Foreign] in the U.S. -- U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) -- Provides data on United States direct investment abroad. See site 2 for related articles and presentations.

Eurostat: The Statistical Office of the European Communities -- European Union. -- Comprehensive statistics for the EU in many fields. Includes News Releases (latest statistics) and Catalogues.

FAOSTAT: FAO Statistical Databases -- United Nations. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) -- As part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAOSTAT is an online multilingual database with over 1 million time-series records covering international statistics in areas such as production, trade, land use, and population, as well as balance sheets, fertilizer and pesticides, irrigation, forest products, fishery products, population, agricultural machinery and food aid shipments. Search for commodity and country at the FAO home page (

FXConverter Currency Converter -- -- Includes FXHistory--historical currency exchange rates.

Foreign Exchange Rates (G.5) (Monthly) [FRB] -- U.S. Federal Reserve Board (FRB) -- Historical information up to the latest month. Click here for latest release.

Foreign Exchange Rates (H.10) (Weekly/Daily) [FRB] -- U.S. Federal Reserve Board (FRB) -- Issued weekly; contain daily information. Also provides historical information.

Foreign Exchange Rates (H10) [FRB]/latest -- Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Guide to Foreign Statistical Abstracts [National Statistics - Agencies and Yearbooks] [PDF] -- U.S. Census Bureau -- URLs for recent statistical abstracts for member nations of the Organizationfor Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and Russia. All sources contain statistical tables on a variety of subjects for the individual countries. Many provide text in English as well as in the national language(s).

International Price Indexes -- U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)

International Statistics -- Univ. of Texas at Austin -- Provides links to international statistic sites.

International Trade -- U.S. Census Bureau -- Provides the latest information on U.S. international trade in goods and services. 

International and National Statistical Agencies Active in the ECE Region [National Statistics - Agencies] -- United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Statistical Division -- Links to statistics from the UN, EU, and other international organizations and from national statistical agencies.

LABORSTA: The Labour Statistics Database -- International Labour Organization (ILO) -- Database on labour statistics covering economically active population (data since 1945) employment, unemployment, hours of work, wages, labour cost, consumer prices, occupational injuries occupational accidents, and strikes and lockouts (data since 1969).

Latin American Statistical Sources -- Cornell Univ. Library

Market Research Library -- U.S. & Foreign Commercial Service (US&FCS) -- The business and economic situation of foreign countries and the political climate as it affects U.S. business. Covers marketing, trade regulations, investment climate, and business travel. . Includes Country Commercial Guides (CCG) and Industry Sector Analysis (ISA) Reports.

Middle East and North Africa/Trade Information Center (TIC) -- U.S. Dept. of Commerce, International Trade Administration -- U.S. trade promotion programs, projects, regional trade institutions, country information, and trade related resources.


National and International Data Sources and Links -- United Nations. Dept. of Economic and Social Affairs, Statistics Division -- Links to national statistics offices for countries around the world.

Official Statistics of the Countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) -- [Available in the Central Library only] -- Statistical indicators of the former USSR republics, some from 1980 to the present. Annual data, with some quarterly and monthly data. Some indicators are in the local national currency, others in Russian rubles, still others in U.S. dollars. Choose indicators, countries, and time periods to create customized tables.

Statistical Agencies (International) (Census)

U.S. Direct Investment Abroad [BEA] -- U.S.

U.S. Import & Export Price Indexes [PDF] -- U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) -- [latest/PDF]

U.S. International Trade in Goods & Services -- U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) -- See section on Trade in Goods & Services. Provides monthly estimates on exports and imports.

U.S. Trade in Goods (Imports, Exports and Balance) by Country -- U.S. Census Bureau -- Total annual imports, sxcport, and balance between the U.S. and individual countries. Years vary, many 1985-present.

United Nations Common Database (UNCDB) -- United Nations. Statistics Division -- Provides selected series from numerous specialized international data sources for all available countries and areas. Find data by topic, series, publication source, or country.

World Development Indicators (WDI) [Available in the Central Library only] -- 500 time-series indicators, including most of the content of the print version of the World Development Indicators, including additional indicators. It also includes material from the World Bank Atlas.

World Military Expenditures and Arms Transfers -- U.S. Dept. of State -- See also 1996-98 reports.


International Data | Trade Statistics

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