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The New York Times Digital Edition ( web access and app access) is available for all current Cal State LA students, faculty, and staff, courtesy of the University Library. Access articles from 1851-present, interactive graphics, videos, podcasts, digitized images, and more!
See our New York Times LibGuide for more information!
New Users - Get Access!
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2. Follow the step-by-step instructions to create a new account.
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3. Make sure to sign up using your Cal State LA email address.
4. After registration is complete, log into or through the NYT mobile app to start using your free subscription.
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See our New York Times LibGuide for information on what to do if you have an already existing NYT subscription or information about the NYT App!
A newspaper archive of the print version of the New York Times to 1980. For older back issues, see the New York Times Historical (1851-2019), and for current digital coverage, see New York Times - Digital Edition.
Newspapers, magazines, and some peer-reviewed articles from the alternative and independent press. Alternative media is typically labeled as separate from corporate or government media sources, often representing counter-culture or sub-culture that is left out of main stream media sources.
A newspaper archive of the print version of the Washington Post from 2016-present.
Global Newsstream provides collections of news from the U.S., Canada, Europe, Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Australia. Global Newsstream incorporates the U.S. Newsstream, Canadian Newsstream, and International Newsstream databases. All titles are cross searchable on the ProQuest platform.