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Resources for Doctoral Research in Education

A resource guide to support doctoral-level research in education

APA (American Psychological Association)

APA style is widely used in the social sciences and health sciences.

7th ed.

Running Head

This video (4:31) demonstrates how to create a running head in Microsoft Word and Google Docs. APA 7 does not require a running header for student papers, however many instructors ask that students include them. Ask your instructor about their requirements for style guidelines.

Creative Commons logo APA Style Running Head by Bridgid Fennell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International License.​

Academic Writer

Academic Writer: Starting a Paper

This video tutorial (4 minutes) shows how to start writing a paper using Academic Writer. Content includes how to automatically format paper headings in APA Style, accessing sections of the APA Publication Manual while writing, and exporting your paper.

APA Publishing Training. (2019, Feb 19). Academic Writer: Starting a paper. YouTube.

Inserting References and In-text Citations

This video (4 minutes) will show you how to add references and in-text citations to your paper in Academic Writer. Tools in the Writing Center can help you format your in-text citations correctly, as well as match the citations in the body of your paper to the Paper Reference List.

APA Publishing Training. (2019, February 15). Inserting references and in-text citations. YouTube.

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