**Click Here to Enroll in the Tutorial**

Welcome to the Library Research Tutorial for first-year Introduction to Higher Education courses (e.g., NSS1001, AL1010, etc.).
If your instructor has assigned the tutorial for class credit, please follow the instructions below on how to complete the tutorial and get credit from your instructor.
What you need:
- A stable internet connection
- Use Firefox as your browser. (Other browsers like Chrome or IE may cause errors in Canvas) Download Firefox here for free (Links to an external site.).
- Best viewed on a desktop, laptop, or tablet computer. For mobile devices (iPad, iPhone), make sure is not on silent or the sound may not play.
- To hear the audio you will need speakers or headphones, or you may use the closed-captions
- Consider the time to complete each module (5 modules and quizzes at about 10 minutes each)
- If your professor requires a paper copy of completion, you will need access to a printer
- Enroll in the Library Tutorial Canvas Course
- Click the link above to self-enroll the stand-alone Canvas course
- Log-in with your MyCalStateLA username and password
- Click the button to Self-Enroll
- Open the course, or log into Canvas at any time to access the course
- Complete the modules in order as well as the "your information" survey
- Click on the Grades page and submit a pdf or screenshot to your instructor to receive full credit. This will act as your certificate of completion.
Get Help:
If you are having technical difficulties:
- First, check that you are using Firefox as your browser and your internet is stable
- Visit the library for help or,
- Submit a help ticket here