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University Library

Anti-Racism and Racial Justice Resources

This guide is intended to provide general sources and research information about Anti-Racism, Racial Justice, and the Black Lives Matter movement.


This guide highlights a number of resources within the University Library, at Cal State LA, and in our community on Anti-Racism, Racial Justice, and Black Lives Matter. The resources included are just a small sample of the books, videos, and archive materials that we have available in the library. In addition to reading and educating yourself, we hope you will consider how you can support racial justice and take action.

Many of the resources in this guide were developed from other recommended reading lists and resource guides. We want to recognize the time and labor of those authors, including:

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This guide was created by the following library personnel. While not named, many library personnel were critical in providing feedback and content suggestions.

  • Scott Breivold, Media, Arts, and Web Librarian
  • Kelsey Brown, Communications Strategist & Event Coordinator
  • Azalea Camacho, Archivist and Special Collections Librarian
  • Kendall Faulkner, Social Sciences Librarian
  • Tiffanie Ford-Baxter, Science Librarian
  • Kimberly Franklin, Education Librarian
  • Jennifer Masunaga, Instruction & Reference Librarian
  • Paizha Stoothoff, Humanities Librarian
  • Holly Yu, Electronic Resources Librarian
John F. Kennedy Memorial Library
California State University, Los Angeles
5151 State University Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90032-8300